Chief Genealogist Linda Crocker
61 Ronald Reagan Drive
Westwood, Parkersburg, WV 26101
llbc100 [at] msn [dot] com
As Chief Genealogist Linda is responsible for the safeguarding and maintenance of the genealogical files of the Society and all other duties generally accepted as responsibilities of a genealogist (from the SGS by-laws). Linda works closely with Chris Havnar (SGS Webmaster and Ancestor File Co-chair) to maintain and update the SGS databases and provide material for the website. She also coordinates her work with Pam Turner (SGS Librarian) to ensure that documents are properly stored, filed and indexed at the SGS Research Center.
Linda also serves as the SGS Query Editor. This role dovetails perfectly with Linda’s role as Chief Genealogist since researching queries often leads to improving documentation of known lines or discovering new lines.
Linda is assisted by 3 Assistant Genealogists (Chris Havnar – the Nathaniel line, Dian Little – the Obadiah line and Pauline Cilley Garner – Other lines) as well as Area Coordinators who try to locate Seeley information in their local area and/or area of expertise.
Linda is the person to contact with your research questions or to share your research results with SGS.