Rev. Seeley Funeral In Toronto
Funeral services for the Very Rev. Reginald Sidney Kingsley Seeley, provost of Trinity college, Toronto was held in Trinity college chapel, Tuesday.
Canon Seeley died Saturday in hospital at Trenton, Ont. From injuries suffered in a highway accident July 12 near Trenton.
Born in India in 1908, he was the son of the venerable G.H. Seeley, Archdeacon of Rangoon. He was educated at Marlborough college and Christ’s college, Cambridge, and graduated from Cambridge university with a B.A. in 1930 and with an M.A. in 1933.
Following his ordination in 1932, he was appointed chaplain of St. John’s college, Cambridge, in which capacity he served from 1934-38. During this time he was organizing secretary of the Cambridge mission to Delhi from 1935-38.
In 1938 he was appointed professor of exegetical theology at St. John’s college, Winnipeg and made a canon of St. John’s cathedral. In 1941 he was appointed warden of St. John’s college and examining chaplain to the bishop of Rupert’s land. He also served as priest-in-charge of All Saints church from 1940-43.
In 1943 Canon Seeley accepted the invitation to become the rector of St. George’s cathedral, Kingston, Ont., and dean of Ontario, and served in this capacity until 1945 when he was appointed provost of Trinity college.
Canon Seeley was survived by his wife Marjorie.
Published in the Winnipeg Free Press, Tuesday, August 6, 1957, page 28