The 2003 Reunion in Williamsburg, Virginia

Row 1: Silvia Allred, John R. Seely, Geneva Hobbs, Marian Hileman, Lillian DeJohn, Betty Kjeldgaard, Evelyn Thresher, Dorthy Boucher, Evelyn Seelye, Dian Little, Ruthetta Hansen, Donna Seeley, Susan V. App

Row 2: Kathie Olsen, Tammy Graham, Carolyn Seeley Taylor, James R. Seeley, Sally Seeley, Ivey Harris, Klare M. Van Dusen, Melvin E. Seeley, Arthur Wade, Marshall Seelye, Frances Ellis, George Ellis, Ann Hall, Liz Alexander, Chris Havnar, Veronica Newell, Amy Manina

Row 3: Don Brill, Tom Seeley, Terry Tietjens, Garry M. Adam, DonaldHarris, Robert S. Van Dusen, Lucinda Tomko, Bertrand Vant Hooft, William Thresher, Eugene Seelye, George Seeley, Wesley Waring, Jeffry Allred, Ray Hall, Dave Alexander, Bill Hileman, Leon App, John Manina

The Seeley Sisters

One of the largest family groups in attendance at the reunion were six sisters who gathered for a family photo outside the hotel. They are (left to right) Debra Hancock, Annette Earl, Camille Bell, LaVona Lewis, Colleen Kossin, and Thera Clark. They are the daughters of Cloyd and Zada Seeley of Bountiful, Utah.

2003 SGS Reunion "Latest and Greatest"

Zoe Clyde (left), the youngest Seeley in attendance at the reunion, poses for a photo with Lillian DeJohn, the most senior Seeley attending.Eleven week-old Zoe was born June 17 to Rebecca and Matt Clyde, daughter and son-in-law of SGS members Jeffrey and Silvia Allred. Lillian most recently celebrated her 94th birthday.

The registration desk was located in the lobby of the hotel next to a map with push pins for people to show where they were from. Thanks to the hard work of the hotel staff, the lobby was a comfortable place for many side conversations.

One of the tours offered to reunion attendees was a visit to Naval Station Norfolk, home of the U.S. Navy's Atlantic Fleet. Geneva Hobbs and Ruthetta Hansen pose for a picture beside a memorial to Sailors who died in the 1989 turret explosion onboard the battleship USS Iowa. Geneva's husband served on Iowa during the Korean War.

The outgoing board of directors holds its last meeting on the first day of the reunion.

While the board meeting was going on, the rest of the membership gathered in the meeting room for introductions and an opportunity to meet their cousins.

SGS Treasurer William Thresher, who has served in the position for eleven years, turns over the Society's financial documents to SGS President Jim Seeley. As Jim signed the papers, Bill's wife Evelyn joked he was actually signing Bill's declaration of independence.

During a break in the presentations, Donna Seeley, Thera Clark, Kathie Olsen, and Dian Little enjoy a casual conversation in the hospitality room.
2003 Board of Directors
On the Night of the final dinner, the 2003 Board of Directors was sworn in. (Back row) Ramon Hall, 2nd Vice President and Membership Chairman; John Seeley, SGS Ancestor File Index Coordinator; Marshall Seelye, Director; Terry Tietjens, Director and Seelye Research Center Director; Eugene Seeley, Judge Advocate; Wesley Waring, Director; (Front Row) Chris Havnar, Treasurer; Dian Little, Chief Genealogist; Kathie Olsen, !st Vice President; Ruthetta Hansen, Assistant Membership Chair for Promotion; Jim Seeley, President. Not pictured: Joan Phillips, Secretary; Dan Seelye (Director - Past President); Paul Taylor, Newsletter Editor; Linda Crocker, Query Editor. The appointed positions of Historian and Assistant Genealogist remain vacant.
SGS Award Winners

SGS President Jim Seeley congratulates John Seely (left above) who was inducted into the Federation of Genealogical Societies' Living Volunteer Hall of Honor. John has been an active member of SGS for more than twenty years during which he accomplished the monumental task of electronically compiling the SGS Ancestor Index File. Also recognized at the ceremony were SGS Board Members William Thresher (above) and George Seeley (below left) for having played important roles in the organization. Bill was elected treasurer of SGS five consecutive times serving in the position eleven years. George has served on the board for six years in the positions of vice president and membership chair.

Ray and Ann Hall sit in on one of the presentations at the reunion. Longtime members of SGS, Ray has served on the board of directors since 1995. After a term as vice-president, Ray served as the SGS newsletter editor. He gave up that position in order to take on the job of membership chairman. Ann just finished a "tour of duty" as the SGS chief genealogist.

Jim Seeley, Betty Kjeldgaard, George Seeley, and Chris Havnar have a casual conversation in the hospitality room during one of the breaks in the proceedings.

Cameron Seeley Taylor and his little brother Nicholas attended the reunion and had a woderful time meeting their cousins (especially Zoe Clyde). After the reunion, Cameron gave an oral presentation to his fourth grade class talking about the reunion and his family's roots. For visual aids in his presentation, he passed around the SGS books.

Marshall and Evelyn Seelye atted one of the reunion presentations. Marshall served as SGS president for three terms from 1989 to 1997. As a director at large he continued to play an active role in the society after leaving office and continues to do so today as does Evelyn.

SGS Member Donald Harris listens in on a presentation about the research resources available to SGS members. The presentation was given by Jim Seeley with assistance from Kathie Olsen and Terry Tietjens.

Dian Little and George Seeley listen in on one of the SGS member presentations. Dian, having served a term as the assistant genealogist, was elected to the position of chief genealogist. George has served as 1st and 2nd vice president, membership chair, and has played an instrumental role in the society and recieved a letter of appreciation.

Kathie Olsen discusses research resources available to SGS members. The SGS 1st vice president, Kathie is the daughter in the mother-daughter team that assembled the three SGS books outlining the first seven generations of Obadiah and Robert Seeley.

SGS members in attendance at the reunion take their seats before the beginning of the next presentation of the day.

Bill Thresher gives his final treasurers report.

The hospitality room offered a comfortable location for additional side meetings. It also served as a display room for Seeley Family artifacts that members brought with them to the reunion.