1105 North Buckeye
Abilene, KS 67410-0337You may print out this page from your browser,
or copy and paste the membership application into any word processor.
Mail your application to the above address.Annual Membership Dues:
$10 per year, $18 two years, $25 three years or $36 five years. Lifetime memberships are $125. (Dues are in U.S. dollars and the membership year runs from Sept. 1 to Aug. 31)Please include your dues with your application to speed processing. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION NAME: ___________________________________________________ (MR. - MRS. - MS - MISS - DR. [Circle one]) ADDRESS: _______________________________________________ CITY: _________________________________________________ STATE: __________________ COUNTRY: ___________________ ZIPCODE+4: _____________________________________________ YOUR COUNTY: ___________________________________________ PHONE: _________________________________________________ E-MAIL: ________________________________________________ WEB PAGE: ______________________________________________ REFERRING MEMBER NAME & NUMBER (if applicable): ________ _________________________________________________________ May we print your phone number for the benefit of other members? Yes ___ No ___