Patent No. 18211
1903 SEELEY Truss Pad
Hernia Art 8211The following information was scanned and read with OCR directly from a copy of the original patent. We apologize for any difficulty in reading the OCR text
No. . PATENTED DEC. 15 1903.
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NITED STATESPatented December 15 1903.
SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. dated December 15 1903.
Application filed October 29 1902 Serial No. . (No model.)
To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I ISAAC BENJAMIN SEELEY a citizen of the United States and a resident of the city of New York borough of Manhattan in the county and State of New York have invented new and useful Improvements in TrussPads of which the following is a full clear and exact description.
This invention relates to improvements in
To support and retention hernial pads the object being to provide a pad adapted to the various constructions or patterns of hernia trusses for the requisite mechanical support and designed more especially for use in the mechanical treatment of inguinal hernia or rupture as located at the lower abdominal bodysection.
' Another object is to so construct a pad as to relieve all pressure on the spermatic vessell.
Other objects of the invention will appear in the general description.
I will describe a trusspad embodying my invention and then point out the novel features in the appended claims.
Reference is to be had to the accompanying drawings forming a part of this specification in which similar characters of reference indicate corresponding in parts in all the figures.
Figure 1 is a plan view of a trusspad embodying my invention. Fig. 2 is an edge view thereof and Fig. 3 shows one side of a reversible cushion employed.
Referring to the drawings 1 designates the center or body portion of the pad consisting of any suitable rigid material and while I have here shown it as oval in contour it is obvious that it may be otherwise shaped. Surrounding the body portion is a ringlike cushion 2 of yielding material—such for instance as soft rubber felt or the like. It will be noted that the herniasupport or body portion 1 projects beyond the plane of the cushion. As this body portion 1 presses on the hernia or rupture the cushion will hold the device from a rocking motion. The cushion is preferably made reversible—that is one of its sides is smooth as indicated in Fig. 1 and the opposite side is roughened or provided with corrugations 3. This roughened or corrugated surface will be found useful in many instances as its bearing upon the flesh will cause some irritation and increase the blood circulation thereby restoring the normal condition instead of wasting and gradually thinning the tissues involved as is often the case when a pad of the convex form is used.
At one edge of the smooth side the cushion is provided with an outwardly extending depression or channel 4 and at the other side and at the opposite end is a similar channel or depression 5 and these channels or depressions are designed to admit the passage of the spermatic vessels while the pad is resting against or upon the pubic bone giving the spermatic vessels a free passage and avoiding direct pressure pinching and grinding or obstructing the normal circulation of the vessels and organs.
It will be noted that the opposite sides of the cushion are transversely curved but it is obvious that they may be made flat.
Having thus described my invention I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent
1. A trusspad having an outwardly disposed depression or channel at its edge to receive the spermatic vessels the bearingsurface of the pad being unbroken or continuous around the pad from the sides of said channel.
2. A trusspad comprising a body portion of rigid material and a surrounding cushion portion the said body portion being projected beyond the plane of the cushion the said cushion having a transverse depression or channel extended outward from the body portion at one point only.
3. A trusspad comprising a body portion and a reversible cushion therefor and having a single outwardly disposed channel on each side the said cushion being smooth on one side and roughened on the other side.
4. A trusspad comprising a body portion and a reversible cushion surrounding the same the said cushion being smooth on one side and corrugated on the other side and the said cushion having transverse depressions or channels in its opposite sides the channel of one side being at the opposite end Too to that of the other channel.
5. In a trusspad the combination with a body portion of a ringlike rubber cushion removably engaging around the body the opposite sides being transversely curved each side of said cushion being provided with a depression extended from the inner to the outer periphery the bearingsurface of one side being unbroken or continuous from the opposite sides of the channel while the opposite bearingsurface is corrugated.
In testimony whereof I have signed my name to this specification in the presence of two subscribing witnesses.