Patent No. 20202
1930 SEELY Identification Price tag
Art 20202The following information was scanned and read with OCR directly from a copy of the original patent. We apologize for any difficulty in reading the OCR text
April 29 1930. W. H. SEELEY
Filed June 25 1927
Patented Apr. 29 1930
Application filed June 25 1927. Serial No. .
This invention relates to price indicating identify the make or character of the goods and identifying tags or stickers for retailed contained in the box to which the sticker is merchandise. More particularly it relates to attached this portion of the sticker being stickers or tags that are applicable to boxes provided on its under surface with an ad of candy or the like. hesive substance such as glue whereby it.
It is the principal object of this invention may be stuck to the box to provide an identifying tag that may be • The tab 3 has a price mark thereon from applied to a box or package or other article which the purchaser as well as the retailer and which has in connection therewith a de may determine the price at which the goods to tachable tab bearing a price mark for the to which the sticker is attached is to be sold.
information of both the purchaser and the It is intended that such stickers be applied retailer and which may be detached when to the boxed goods at the factory or that they the box is purchased or at any time which be distributed to the retailers for them to suits the purchaser. place on the boxes. When a box of candy or 13 More specifically stated the object of this the like to which a sticker is attached is sold .
invention resides in the provision of a sticker the purchaser or the retailer tears off the comprising an ornamental portion that may price mark but the trademark or identifying be attached to the goods and which bears mark is left on the box. Such stickers may be thereon a trademark or other.symbol whereby made invarious styles and sizes and it is not the purchaser may identify the make or char desired that the claim be limited only to the 7o acter of the goods being purchased and to particular form in which it has been herein which a price bearing tab is detachably con shown.
Having thus. described my invention what netted so that it may be removed without disturbing the identifying portion. I claim as new therein and desire to secure In accomplishing these and other objects by Letters. Patent is: of the invention I have provided the im An identification and price bearing tag for proved details of construction the preferred merchandise said tag comprising an ornaforms of which are illustrated in the accom mental identification portion provided on its panying drawings wherein— under side with an adhesive whereby it may Figure 1 is a view showing a box for can be permanently attached to an article with so by or the like to which an identifying and out impairing its ornamental appearance price indicating tag is attached in accordance and a price bearing portion disconnectably with the present invention. attached to said identification portion and Figure 2 is a view of the parts of the stick adapted when removed therefrom to leave there showing the price tab detached from the ornamental portion in a symmetrical form identifying portion.
Figures 3. and 4 are outside and inside day of views respectively of the tag..Signed at Tacoma Washington this 30th April 1927.
WILLIAM H. SEELEY.Referring more in detail to the drawings—
The identifying and price tag in its entirety is designated at 1 in Figure 1 and it comprises an identifying portion 2 and a price tab 3 that is separated from the part 2 by a line of perforations 4 which permits the tab to be easily detached by tearing along the long line of perforations. The part 2 may be of various ornamental shapes circular oblongg or square and may bear thereon a trademark or other symbol whereby a purchaser may![]()