Abigail Seeley

Old Settlers' Biographies

Mrs. Abigail Seeley was born In Orange County, New York, April 22, 1799, and died at Brimfield, September 30, 1877, being at the time 78 years, 5 months, and 8 days of age.

Her maiden name was Abigail Reynolds. She was married to Ephraim Seeley in 1821, with whom she lived until his death which occurred at Brimfield, but the date of his death has not been furnished me. In the spring of 1824, they moved from the state of New York to Defiance, Ohio, and in 1828, removed to Goshen, Indiana, and in 1830 they settled on English Prairie, Lagrange county, where they lived until 1860, when they then settled at Brimfield, where both died, beloved and respected by all who knew them. I have reason to remember with gratitude this aged mother. When I first visited Indiana, having been taken sick on the road and not possessed of much means, I found myself, when able to travel, reduced very low in the region of the pocketbook, and the day I reached Indiana I had 68 cents left. I was in a strange country, among strangers; had never been much from home, and knew but little of the ways of the world; was trying to reach Lima where I expected to find some persons with whom I left home. I was not yet fully recovered from my sickness of body, and was sick at heart. I regretted that I had left home. About dusk, tired and discouraged, being about 8 miles from Lima, I called at a cabin on the south side of English Prairie, and inquired the distance to Lima. Being told that it was 8 miles, I knew that I could not reach it without rest, for I was almost exhausted, hence I asked the privilege of remaining that night, My request was promptly complied with, and I was asked if I had had supper. I told them I had not, but did not add that I had no dinner that day, which was the fact. But said I, "I have but little money", an in candor told the extent of my means and said that I did not want to go beyond my means unless I could work it out. I can still see the good man and woman as both assured me that they were not the kind of people to take the last cent from a poor boy. In short I was made welcome and the unaffected hospitality of these good people made me forget that I was away from home. I was at the home of Abigail Seeley. She furnished the first food I tasted in Indiana, and seasoned it with such motherly solicitude that, although it was plain, no king ever enjoyed his royal banquet as I enjoyed that meal. The next day I left for Lima as rich in purse as when I came. Prom that time until the day of her death, I have felt for her a feeling akin to veneration.

The foregoing sketch shows as clearly as words can convey one leading trait of her character. She was the mother of ten children, eight of who are living. She was a pattern of propriety and industry, and well would it be for the world if we had more like her. She has left the impress of her character upon those of her family that survive her, and her children are worthy of such a mother.

By Nelson Prentiss

Page 40 – 41, "Obituaries and news items of early settlers of Noble County, Indiana - as published in the "The Albion new era" ... and other sources collected by The Daughters of the American Revolution; compiled by Mrs. H.G. Misselhorn; published 1900 by Daughters of the American Revolution, Kendallville, Indiana.

[Wife of SGS # 3453 - Ephraim H. (#3453); David (# 1557); David; Charles; Samuel; Jonas; Obadiah]