Almeron S. Seeley
Almeron S. Seeley, farmer, section 25, Everett Township, was born in Jackson, Mich., July 9, 1837. His father, Alexander M. Seeley, was born in Vermont, and his mother, Harriet E. (Moon) Seeley, was a native of the State of New York. Soon after their marriage they came to Jackson, and in 1838 removed to Ionia County, where they lived several years, when they came to Newaygo County and became residents of Big Prairie Township. They are both living.
Mr. Seeley accompanied his parents to the different points where they established their home. In the spring of 1861 he bought 80 acres of partly improved land in Everett Township, where he has since operated satisfactorily as an agriculturist. He has bought 80 acres additional, and has one half of his place in fine farming condition. Mr. Seeley belongs to the National Greenback party. He has operated in the capacity of Constable of Everett Township for four years, and two years as School Inspector.
He was married in Big Prairie, Dec. 28, 1864, to Marena V., daughter of Arvin N. and Icy B. Pratt. She was born June 26, 1842, in Massachusetts, of which State her parents were natives. Her mother died there Aug. 20, 1863, and her father still lives in the historic old "Commonwealth."
Page 438, “Portrait and biographical album of Newaygo county, Mich., containing portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the county ... also containing a complete history of the county, from its earliest settlement to the present time,” published Chapman Bros., Chicago, 1884.
[Almeron S. is SGS # 2873 – Almeron S.; Alexander Munson; Seth Clarke/Clark; Seth; Joseph; John; Nathaniel; Robert]