C.D. Seeley C.D. Seeley, of Hotchkiss, who until two years ago was one of the enterprising farmers near the town of Gunnison, is a native of McKean county, Pennsylvania, where he was born in 1853, the son of William and Charlotte (Springer) Seeley. He remained at home until he was sixteen years of age, securing his education at the public schools and being reared to habits of useful industry on his father's farm. In 1869 he came with his father to Colorado, and in 1876 went to the county of San Juan where he remained two years engaged in prospecting. He then moved to Denver, and after a residence of a year in that city, located near Gunnison where he was engaged in farming on his own account until 1894, when he came to Delta county, where he has since resided. He was married in 1881 to Miss Martha Seaman, a native of Missouri. They have had seven children, Laura, Lucetta, Ada, Leonard, Virgie and Lula, the other being now deceased. "Progressive Men of Western Colorado", Published 1905, A.W. Bowen & Co., Chicago, Ill. |