Fayette M. Seeley
Fayette M. Seeley.-Specializing in mechanical engineering, which has pressed forward to a commanding position in the world of industry, Fayette M. Seeley brings to his place as chief engineer of the Ideal Power Lawn Mower Company of Lansing a vast experience and a knowledge that perhaps is not exceeded by any other highly trained man in Michigan. Mr. Seeley was born in Oakland county, Michigan, December 4, 1878. He attended the Lansing high school and later pursued a mechanical engineering course at the Michigan Agricultural College. Then he went to Chicago to work for the J. S. Medcalf Grain Elevator Company, in its engineering department. Mr. Seeley's subsequent connections were with the engineering departments of the Bates-Edmonds Company, the Olds Gas Engine Company and the Olds Motor Company. all of Lansing; the Chalmers Motor Car Company, of Detroit; the Gile Boat & Engine Company, of Ludington. Michigan; and the Bean Spray Pump Company of San Jose, California. It was largely through Mr. Seeley that Mr. Crummey of the last mentioned company was induced to establish a branch of the business in Lansing. For the past seven years Mr. Seeley has been the chief engineer for the Ideal Power Lawn Mower Company. He is also vice-president of the Capital Castings Company. In June, 1904, Mr. Seeley wedded Miss Edith J. Hill, daughter of Captain Hill of South Haven, Michigan, and to this union have been' born two children, Harriet Estella and Stanley Hill. Mr. Seeley is an Elk and a member of the Lansing Country Club. The father of Mr. Seeley was Charles L. Seeley, a native of Michigan. He was a farmer whose holdings were just outside the city limits of Lansing, and he bore for many years the official title of past master on roads, a term that indicated important relationship with road building and maintenance in those days before the automobile was even an element of dream material.
Pages 644-645, “An account of Ingham County from its organization”, edited by Frank N. Turner, published by National Historical Association, Inc., Dayton, Ohio, 1924.
[Great-grandson of William Pease Seely SGS # 1963 - Fayette M.; Charles; Ira Clark; William Pease (#1963); John; Hezekiah; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]