George H. Seeley
GEORGE H. SEELEY is the well-known proprietor of the Orchard Lake Hotel at the summer resort of that name. This place is one of the most widely known resorts in Michigan, and its fame is not confined to the State, but extends over the Northwest. Although the resort has its greatest patronage in the summer, the hotel is kept open the year round. Since Mr. Seeley bought the property, various improvements have been made, including additions to the building so that it will now accommodate one hundred guests. It is a two-story frame structure, pleasantly located on the bank of the lake, and commanding a prospect that is restful to the weary brains of those who seek the comfort of a rural spot during the heated term. It is but five miles from the hotel to Pontiac, and the location is a popular resort of picnic parties. Mr. Seeley gives his personal attention to the hotel, and is careful to see that his guests receive every courtesy.
Mr. Seeley is the son of Ira C. and Matilda (Dewey) Seeley, who were born in New York and Vermont, respectively, and who came to this county about 1833. The father was a farmer, and in the pursuit of his calling acquired considerable means. He was a stanch Republican, but took little part in political affairs. He and his wife belonged to the Congregational Church, and were conscientious and humble Christians. Mr. Seeley spent his days after coming to this State in Waterford Township, and Mrs. Seeley died in Pontiac. They had five children who lived to mature years, namely: William, George I., Maria, Charles L. and Elinor.
Our subject was born in Waterford Township, May 12, 1841, and the surroundings of his early years were such as are common on farms in a country that is still undergoing some of the processes of development and yet is quite populous. He pursued his studies in the district school and in Pontiac, and continued to make his home with his parents until he was twenty-four years old. After establishing a home of his own he still carried on farm work until 1889, when he came to Orchard Lake and bought the old hotel property, determined to build up the reputation of this beautiful spot by carrying on a first-class hotel here. He owns a farm in Troy Township, from which a very good income is derived.
March 16, 1864, Mr. Seeley was married to Miss Sarah Prall, of Pontiac, daughter of Johnson S. and Sarah (Melcher) Prall, and a native of New York. She is an able assistant of her husband in his recent enterprise, as she is an excellent housekeeper, and a cordial, friendly and intelligent woman. They have two children, Thaddeus D. and Bessie E. The former married Miss Eva Palmer, of Pontiac, has one child named Florence E., and lives in Bay City. The latter is unmarried, and is still with her parents. Mr. Seeley is not a politician, but votes with the Republicans.
Page 506, ”Portrait and biographical album of Oakland County, Michigan”, Published Chapman Bros., Chicago, 1891.
[Grandson of William Pease SGS # 1963 –George H.; Ira C., William Pease (SGS # 1963), John, Hezekiah; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]