John H. Seeley
Three events occurred in 1871. Germany robbed France of Alsace-Loraine; fire nearly destroyed Chicago, and John H. Seeley was born. John says he does not remember any one of the three events, but has convinced himself that there is no doubt about the last thing having happened either in 1871 or some other time. John was born on a farm near Berwick, Pa, on Washington’s birthday which goes to prove that the Almighty has no regular policy in his creation. George never told a lie. John’s early life was very uneventful except that he says he had all the ills that suckling humanity is heir to, and most of them three or four times.
Educated in the public schools, Huntington Academy and Lackawanna College, which latter institution he liked so well that he adopted it in 1902, becoming possessor thereby of 11 students, 3 typewriting machines, a few tables and chairs and an opportunity. Later he purchased the Scranton Business College and combined the two schools, and now heads one of the largest and best equipped business colleges in the country. In 1892 John married Ida Briggs and Uncle Sam’s uniform now graces two stalwart young men as a result of that union, Hoyle G., is a member of the regular army and Sterling B. is in the aviation service.
John belongs to the Board of Trade, Y.M.C.A., Board of Associated Christian, Geographical Society, is a 32nd degree mason, Shriner and a Four-Minute man, being behind one quarter in dues, he could not attend the outing at Buck Hill Falls.
John’s hobby – starting boys – girls on the road to success.
Published in “The Accelerator” Rotary Club of Scranton September 13, 1918 donated to the Seeley Genealogical Society.
[Grandson of SGS # 3463 - John Henry; John Weltz, Jacob (#3463); John (#1573); Michael; John; Samuel; Jonas; Obadiah]