Levi Seeley

Seeley, Levi, educator, author, was born Nov. 21. 1847, in North Harpersfield, N.Y. He was educated in the district school; in 1871 graduated from the Albany normal school; and received the honorary degrees of M.A. from Williams college and Ph.D. from the university of Leipzig. In 1871-74 he was principal of the public school of Orient, N.Y.; in 1874-75 he was principal of the school of New Hamburg, N.Y.; in 1875-81 he was an educator of Patchogue, N.Y.; in 1881-83 he was superintendent of schools at Lansingburg. N.Y. ; in 1883-86 he was a student in Germany; in 1886-87 he was principal of the public schools of Cobleskill, N.Y. ; and in 1887-94 was principal of Ferry Hall seminary of Lake Forest, Ill. In 1894-95 he traveled and studied in Europe. He is the author of The American Common School System; The Grube System of Numbers; The Grube Idea; The German Common Scool System and Its Lessons to America; History of Education; The Foundations of Education; A New School Management; Seeley's Question Book; and Elementary Pedagogy.

Page 151, “Herringshaw’s National Library of American Biography”, Volume V, Edited by Thomas William Herringshaw, American Publishers’ Association, Chicago, Ill., 1914