McKinzkey Seeley
MC KINZEY SEELEY is now a resident of Morenci, where he removed from his farm in Medina Township in the fall of 1887. He came to Lenawee County in 1839, where he has resided ever since with the exception of two years. He is the owner of 161 acres of land in Medina Township, and 106 in Fulton County, Ohio.
The parents of our subject were Jonathan and Freelove S. (Bromley) Seeley, who were natives of New England. The father was a lover of liberty, and enlisted as a soldier in the Revolutionary War. In 1839 they came to this county, settling in Seneca Township, where the father died in October, 1839. His widow was afterward married to Ether Barnes, who died in Medina township in 1866. Of her first union there was born a family of nine children, four boys and five girls our subject was the youngest.
Mr. Seeley was born in Franklin County, N.Y., on the 26th of September, 1835, and was consequently four years old when he came with his parents to Lenawee County. At that early day the advantages of receiving an education were very limited, being confined to the common school, which often consisted of a mere log hut, around three walls of which slabs were arranged for benches, while the fourth side was occupied by the cavernous fireplace, from which the heat made very uncomfortable the children sitting near, while it was ineffectual in counteracting the effects of the hyperborean blasts which penetrated the chinks of the cabin at the farther end of the room. Mr. Seeley divided his attentions between the farm and this school-room until reaching manhood, when he exchanged the school-room for the woods.
In Adrian, Mich., on the 22d of December, 1862, our subject led to the altar the maiden of his choice, Miss Adelia L. daughter of Dr. Amos and Mary (McCrillis) Kendall. Her parents were natives of New York State, and her father was by profession a physician. They afterward removed to Fulton County, Ohio, and thence to Medina Township, this county, where they resided many years. In their old age they returned to Ohio, settling in Fayette, where the father died Nov. 16, 1884; his widow survives him. They became the parents of six children, two daughters and four sons, of whom Mrs. Seeley was the third child, and was born in Fayette, Ohio, Jan. 13, 1844.
Mr. and Mrs. Seeley have been blessed with a family of four children - Mary E., Lillian E., Jennie M. and an infant unnamed. Mary E. is now deceased; Lillian is the wife of Millard George, and Jennie is at home with her parents.
In politics Mr. Seeley is Republican, though he does not aspire to office, preferring to give his attention to the details of his business. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and he and his wife are members of the Patrons of Husbandry.
Page 864, “Portrait and biographical album of Lenawee County, Mich., containing full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the county, together with portraits and biographies of all the governors of Michigan and of the presidents of the United States,” Published Chapman Brothers, 1888.
[Herbert McKenzie SGS# 879 –Herbert McKenzie; Jonathan, Ephraim; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]