Peter B. Seeley
PETER SEELEY, farmer and stock-raiser, owns on section 4 one of the rich and productive farms for which Camden Township is noted. and is very successful in the management of his agricultural interests. He is a native of Ashtabula County, Ohio, and was born March 23, 1840. He is a son of the late Obadiah C. and Rebecca L. (Hill) Seeley, natives of the State of New York. It is supposed that his paternal ancestors were of English origin. His maternal grandfather, C. C. Hill, served as a soldier in the War of 1812. His father moved from Ohio to this State in 1843, and, although not among the earliest settlers of Camden Township, was regarded as one of the pioneers of this county and township, having honorably borne a part in the development of the agricultural resources of this region, and having been interested in promoting its growth. He was widely and favorably known as a man of high character and industrious habits. And in his death Hillsdale County lost one of her most esteemed citizens. In politics he was during the last years of his life a stanch adherent of the Republican party. To him and his wife were born nine children, of whom our subject is the only one now living. Those deceased are as follows: James, Mary, Peter Lewis, Gilbert. Helen, Minor, and two who died in infancy.
The subject of this sketch was reared to man's estate in this township, and amid the pioneer surroundings of his boyhood received but a scant education, but being naturally intelligent and quick, made the most of the schooling that fell to him. He had scarcely attained his majority when tile late Civil War broke out, and he soon determined to leave home and friends, and on Southern battlefields devote his life to his country. Fired with this patriotic resolve, he enlisted in August, 1861, in Company K, l1th Michigan Infantry, which was attached to the Army of the Tennessee. His regiment, the 11th Michigan Infantry, won a fine reputation for daring deeds, unflinching courage and efficient service, in some of the hardest fought battles of the Rebellion, and each man who belonged to it has just reason to be proud of his war record. In the battle of Stone River our subject received a severe wound in the head, in the right arm, and in the right hip, and thus disabled was taken prisoner. He was confined in Thunder Castle for several weeks, when he was exchanged, and returned to Michigan. Notwithstanding the dangerous character of his wounds, his youthful and vigorous constitution, aided by the tender care of his friends, enabled him so far to recover that at the end of three weeks he again joined his regiment at Murfreesboro, Tenn, and he subsequently took part in the battles of Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Buzzard's Roost, Rattlesnake Gap, siege of Atlanta, and numerous minor engagements. He was honorably discharged from the army in the fall of 1864, when he returned home, and on the 1st of the following January, 1865, received ample reward for his sufferings and privations while a soldier, as on that day he led to the altar Miss Jane Seeley, who has since been to him a true wife and a loving, devoted companion. She is a native of Hillsdale County, born in Camden Township, June 14, 1846. She is a daughter of Harvey and Margaret Seeley, who came here at a very early day, sometime in the forties, and were respected residents here for many years. They and a number of their children were devoted members of the United Brethren Church. They were the parents of nine children, eight of whom are living, as follows: Alice M. is the wife of John Storer, of Camden Township; Jane; Angeline is the wife of Joseph Rising, of Southern Nebraska; Susanna is the wife of Oscar Clark, of Camden Township; Mary is the wife of John Cross, of Camden Township; John V. lives in Emmet County, Mich.; Alonzo lives ill Camden Township; Byron E. is dead. The pleasant married life of our subject and his wife has been blessed to them by the birth of three children, namely: Susie, who is the wife of John Robinett, of DeKalb County, Ind.; Arthur and Frank.
Mr. Seeley has devoted his life since the war to agricultural pursuits, to which he had been bred, and he is carrying on his farm of eighty acres with a good degree of success. It is amply provided with neat and comfortable buildings for the various purposes of a farmer, and his farm is well stocked, as from that branch of agriculture he derives a good income.
Our subject is still a faithful adherent of the Republican party, under whose banners he fought. He is a true citizen, and besides contributing his share to advance the material prosperity of this township, has earnestly striven, aided by his friends and associates. to elevate its moral and social status. He has served one term as School Commissioner. He is a prominent and influential member of the United Brethren Church, of which his wife and children are also valued members, and he has been very active in its affairs, serving as Class-Leader, Steward, and was also on the building committee when the church was being built in Camden Township.,
Page 388-389, “Portrait and biographical album of Hillsdale county, Mich., containing full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the county, together with portraits and biographies of all the governors of the state, and of the presidents of the United States” Published Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1888.
See another biography from a different source.