T. B. SEELEY, train dispatcher and superintendent telegraph Sioux City & Pacific Railroad Company, is a native of DeKalb County, Ind.. When a boy he came to Harrison County, Iowa, with his parents; there he assisted on their farm; in 1875 he came to Dodge County, Neb., and with the exception of one year has worked for this company since; in 1878 he removed to Sioux City, where he remained one year; September, 1879, came to Onawa, Iowa; was appointed station agent and soon after removed to Missouri Valley; there held the position as train dispatcher; March 1880, came to Blair and has held his present position.
Washington County "History of the State of Nebraska; containing a full account of its growth from an uninhabited territory to a wealthy and important state. Illustrated." Published: Chicago, The Western Historical Company, A. T. Andreas Proprietor 1882.