W.A. Seeley
W. A. SEELEY, agent Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway, Girard Station, was born in Fairview Township March 18, 1824, and is a son of Austin H. and Phebe R. (Allen) Seeley, natives of Arlington, Vt., and Amsterdam, N. Y., respectively. They came to this country, settling in Fairview Township in 1823, where Austin H. bought a farm, and erected a saw mill. In 1831, he purchased a farm of 100 acres in the woods of Girard Township which he subsequently sold, buying 100 acres, the site of the present village of Girard Station. After completion of the railway through the same, he gave the company five acres of land, now occupied by their buildings, tracks and yard. He was appointed and remained their first agent one year, when he resigned and G. H. McIntire succeeded him, who in turn (after fourteen years' service) resigned, and E. D. Nettleton took the office for three and half years. At the expiration of this time our subject, W. A. Seeley, became agent in December, 1870, and is giving satisfaction. Austin H., his father, had resigned on account of ill health, and twelve years afterward died. He reared a family of six children, three still surviving -- W. A., Irwin (of Onarga, Iroquois County, Ill.), Lucy A. (wife of G. H. McIntire of Stoneboro, Penn.). W. A. Seeley was married in Crawford County, Penn., to Charlotte Lawrence, a native of same. One child blessed this union -- Eugene A., dying when fifteen years of age. Mr. Seeley lost his first wife by death and married Mrs. Meriva A. Howard, a native of Wyoming County, N. Y. The Seeleys number among our first and most esteemed pioneers.
Pages 65-66, Samuel P. Bates, History of Erie County, Pennsylvania, (Warner, Beers & Co.: Chicago, 1884), Part VI, Township Biographies, Girard Township.
[William Austin is SGS # 2146 – William Austin; Austin H.; Ajacks; Austin; Nehemiah; Robert; Nathaniel; Robert]