William Seeley
William Seeley, is a native of New York State, born in 1833, the eldest of three sons and one daughter of Amzi and Mercy Ann (Ray) Seeley. July 3, 1843, his parents moved to De Kalb County, Ind., and the following fall settled on the Richmond farm where they lived two years. In the fall of 1845 they moved to Orangeville where the father bought an interest in the flouring mill. In 1858 he sold his mill and moved to Newville where he died in the spring of 1877. He was one of the prominent men of the county, and held the office of County Commissioner four terms. William Seeley lived with his parent till eighteen years of age and then learned the cabinet-maker’s trade, at which he worked till the spring of 1872, when he bought the saw-mill which he has since run. He has built up a good trade, and is one of the prosperous citizens to the township. He was married in 1863 to Ellen Stager, a native of Ohio, born in 1836. They have a family of five children, all living at home. In 1882, Mr. Seeley was elected Township Trustee, and re-elected in 1884.
Page 716, “History of De Kalb County, Indiana” published by Inter-State Publishing Company, Chicago, 1885.
[Grandson of Jehu #3279 - William; Amzi, Jehu [SGS #3279]; John/Jehu [SGS #1466]; Samuel; Elijah; Obadiah; Obadiah; Obadiah]
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