William Seeley
William Seeley was born on the 29th of January, 1842, in Missouri. He came to Iowa in 1873, and settled on section 17, Thompson township, Guthrie county. He was united in marriage in 1866 to Miss Mary Webb, of Missouri. They have been blessed with three children--Ada B., Thomas E. and Harrison L. Mr. Seeley owns eighty acres of land, and an orchard of one acre. Six years ago his farm was a vast prairie, but now he has it all under cultivation. He enlisted in the service of the United States in Company E., 3d Missouri cavalry. He served for two years, and during that time was engaged in the engagements at Helena, Shiloh, Red River, and in the battle of Wilson Creek. Mr. Seeley is a member of the G. A. R., and is a member of the Baptist church. He became blind in the army by a piece of artillery striking him in the eye, but by careful nursing has regained his sight.
"History of Guthrie and Adair Counties, Iowa” published Springfield, Ill: Continental History. Co., 1884.