Americus Seely
SEELY AMERICUS, farmer and stock raiser, P.O. White Hall. The subject of this biography is the fifth child of Hon. Judge Stewart Seely, and was born on the farm homestead in Greene County, the 9th of November, 1849. March 15, 1877, he was united in marriage, at Warrensburg, Johnson County, Mo., to Miss Dora Shackleford, a daughter of Benjamin F. Shackleford of Kentucky and Mary Frances Shackleford of Tennessee. One child, Claude E., blessed this union, born on the 4th of February, 1878. Mr. Seely is the owner of 160 acres of valuable land, and is an honorable man and a progressive, wide-awake farmer.
Pages 657-658, “History of Green County, Illinois: Its Past and Present,” Donnelley, Gassette & Loyd Publishers, Chicago 1879, donated by Bette Lou Upton Nienstedt.
[Son of SGS # 2328 - Americus; Anthony Stewart (#2328); Guy (#835); Justus William; Joseph; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel, Robert]