Bertha Warner Seely

SEELY, Bertha Warner, 660 Lexington Av., N.Y. City.

Sec. Y.W.C.A. ; b. Cummlngton, Mass., Sept. 19, 1883; dau. Charles D. and Susan L. (Warner) Seely; ed. Brockport (N.Y.) State Normal School: Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '05. Private sec. Bryn Mawr Coll., 1905-07; sec. Horace Mann High School, N.Y. City, 1907-12; sec. Dep't of Conventions and Conferences of Nat. Board of Y.W.C.A., 1912-13. Mem. Woman's Trade Union League, Caroline Club for Social Workers. Congregationalist

Page 729, “Woman’s Who’s Who of America, A Biographical Dictionary of Contemporary Women of the United States and Canada 1914-1915,” John William Leonard, Editor-in-Chief, The American Commonwealth Company, New York.

[Granddaughter of George Washington SGS # 2739 – Bertha Warner; Charles DeLoss; George Washington (# 2739); Loren/Lorin; Benjamin; Benjamin; Joseph; John; Nathaniel; Robert]