Charles Seely

CHARLES SEELY, who with his brother Frank, ranks among the most extensive agriculturists and largest land owners in Logan county, is located on the southeast quarter of section 2S, township 15, range 3 west, and also has a claim on the northeast quarter of section 32, township 15, range 3 west. He was born in Andrew county, Mo., February 7. 1868, and is a son of S. E. and Mary I. Brown Seely.

Charles Seely spent his youth and early man-hood in .Andrew county, Mo. Though he was born on a farm and subsequently was more or less -associated with farm life, he had all of the advantages of the towns, educationally and otherwise. During eight years of his boyhood, his father, S. E. Seely, was clerk of the court, and at all times during his practice at the bar was a man of prominence and influence in the community. Charles Seely graduated from the high school in 1885 at the age of sixteen, and subsequently took a business course in Ritnor’s Commercial College, at St. Joseph, Mo. In a short time he was appointed deputy collector of Andrew county, which position he filled for three years. In 1889 he came to Oklahoma and settled on the claim which is now his home.

October 8, 1893, in Newton, Kans., Mr. Seely married Miss Isabel Dayton, of Chicago, Ill., and a native of Columbus, Ohio.

After acquiring the deed to his land Mr. Seely went to Des Moines, Iowa, where he became the cashier in the freight department of the joint station of four different railroads, and was also auditor of the terminals at the same time. Later he settled on his farm with his brother Frank, and has since carried on an extensive farm and stock business. Politically he is a member of the Republican party and cast his first presidential vote in 1892 for Benjamin Harrison. He has taken a very active part in local politics.

Pages 453 - 454, “Portrait and Biographical Record of Oklahoma,” Chapman Publishing Company, Chicago, 1901.

[Grandson of SGS # 3040 – Charles; Silas Eber; Samuel (#3040); Jonas (#1320); John; John S; Obadiah; Obadiah; Obadiah]