SEELY, Garrett Teller, vice-pres. and general mgr. South Side Elevated Ry. Co.; born Oswego, Ill., June 1, 1876; son Thomas Jennings and Anzolette V. (Teller) Seely: ed. pub. grammar schools: grad. Beloit (Wis. ) Coll. Acad. 1895; B.S., Univ. of Ill. 1899; married Grace Espy Morrow, of Champaign. 111., Oct. 21, 1902; 2 daughters: Miriam and Janet. Topographer, A..T.&S.F.R.R., 1899-1900: transitman, C.&W. Ind.R.R.. 1900-1; identified with the South Side Elevated Ry. Co., Chicago, since 1901. as engr. of maintenance, 1901-9, 2d vice-pres. and asst. gen. mgr.. 1909-10, and 2d vice-pres. and gen. mgr. since 1910. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason. Mem Western Soc. of Engrs.. Chicago Engrs.' Club, Phi Gamma Delta and Tau Beta Pi. Recreations: outdoor sports. Residence: 4431 Lake Av. Office: 17 E. Congress St.
Page 605, “The Book of Chicagoans, A biographical Dictionary of leading Living Men of the City of Chicago,” Edited by Albert Nelson Marquis, Published A.N. Marquis & Company 1911.
[Garrett Teller is grandson of John Springstead SGS # 3812 – Garrett Teller; Thomas Jennings; John Springstead (#3812); Townsend, Dr., Jonas; Josiah; Ebenezer, Jonas; Obadiah]