HOWARD DAVIS SEELY, who resides near Chester, was born January 27, 1878. He received his early education at the Chester Academy, afterward attending for two years the Military Academy at Cornwall-on-Hudson, graduating in 1898. His father, Fred B. Seely, died in July, 1891. He was a man of sterling worth in the community. Howard assumed control of the farm after his father’s death, which is located about two miles from Chester. He is a large breeder of Holstein-Fresian cattle, has exhibited his stock on several occasions at the Orange County Fair at Middletown, and secured first premium. The foundation of this stock was purchased of H.D. Roe, of Augusta, N.J. Mr. Roe has raised more world’s champion stock than any one breeder in this part of the county. Mr. Seely married Miss Carrie A. Mills, daughter of George Mills, of Goshen, N.Y. They have one child, Pauline Augusta. He is a member of the Chester Grange, a republican and takes a lively interest in all questions of the day.
Page 943, "History of Orange County New York” Russell Headley editor, 1908.