JOHN C. SEELY, farmer, Section 35, Town 20, Range 6, P. O. Scribner, was born in Niagara County, N. Y., April 3, 1828. He lived in that county until seven years old, when his father moved to Oakland County, Mich., where he resided until nineteen years old. He then went to Detroit, Mich., obtaining employment as a clerk in a hat, cap and clothing store for two years. Going thence to La Salle County, Ill., he engaged in farming one year. The year following he was a clerk in a dry goods store in the town of La Salle. He then engaged in general merchandising at Lowell, Ill., for himself, until 1856, when he came to Nebraska, locating at Fontanelle, and remaining in that vicinity until 1860. He took an active and prominent part in the Pawnee war in 1859; was among the first to engage in the pursuit of the Indians up the Elkhorn; was in the first fight which occurred at West Point prior to the arrival of Gov. Black, Gen. Thayer and others with their forces. He joined the expedition at West Point, pursuing the Pawnees to the point known as Battle Creek, where a treaty was made and the forces marched back and disbanded. In 1861, he began freighting across the plains, following that business until the next year, when he enlisted in Company A, Second Nebraska Cavalry, serving nearly a year in Sully's campaign against the Indians of the North. His company was detailed at Fort Randall, where he acted as Quartermaster Sergeant until his discharge the year following. After his discharge, he returned to Dodge County, and engaged in stock-raising, which he has since continued. During the past twelve years, he has also been engaged in farming. He has a good farm of 200 acres, eighty acres being in cultivation, the rest grass land. He married at La Salle, Ill., March 19, 1855, Miss Sarah Seely, who died the same year. He again married in Washington County, Neb., April, 1865, Miss Ada Robinson, daughter of J. B. and Caroline Robinson. His wife died in 1874, leaving three sons--Louis A., Loren C. and James B. Mr. S. is a Republican. He has been a member of that party since its organization. He has held the office of County Commissioner of Dodge County, and represented his district in the State Legislature in 1875.

Dodge County "History of the State of Nebraska; containing a full account of its growth from an uninhabited territory to a wealthy and important state. Illustrated." Published: Chicago, The Western Historical Company, A. T. Andreas Proprietor 1882.