Seymour Seely SEYMOUR SEELY came to Spencer in 1872 and built the mills which in after years made the name of Seely brothers known all through this part of the state, for their milling and lumbering enterprises were perhaps the largest in the region and their business was very extensive for many years; and it was not until 1886 that the firm was dissolved. Seymour Seely took the land and farm interests previously belonging to the firm, while S. Alfred Seely took the mills. But Seymour Seely has proved as successful a farmer as he was mechanic or miller, and he is now the owner of about 1,500 acres of good land in this locality, over all of which he has personal supervision. When 28 years old Mr. Seely met with an accident in his mifi and nearly lost his life, and was indeed so seriously injured that physical labor has since been virtually impossible. Seymour Seely was born September 11, 1838. and up to the time he became of age worked for his father. He then learned the carpenter trade, worked at it about three years, and in 1863 began lumbering and milling near Elmira. In 1872 the firm of Seely Bros., of which he was the elder, made an extensive purchase of land in Spencer and this vicinity and he came to build the mills and begin the work by which the firm built up that part of the village which has been known as Seelyville; a locality of Spencer in which the greatest amount of business is done. On January 16, 1861, Mr. Seely was married with Frances M. Drake, daughter of Deacon Drake, of Ithaca, of which marriage these children have been born; Fred, of Spencer; Carrie, wife of John M. Mosher, of Syracuse, and Nettie, who married with Dr. Thomas C. Washburne, of Spencer.
Biographies of men from Spencer, NY, Our County and Its People, A Memorial History Of Tioga County, New York, Edited by: LeRoy W. Kingman, W. A. Fergusson & Co. Elmira, N. Y., 1897
[Son of Seymour # 2454 – Seymour; Seymour [SGS # 2454]; Zadoc; Zadoc; Justus; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]