Samuel Dibble Seelye
SEELYE, SAMUEL DIBBLE, Montgomery, Ala., descended from Welsh emigrants to this country in 1665, was born in Bethel, Conn., March I4th, 1829. His professional education was received in the med. dep't of the univ. of N. Y., whence he was graduated in 1855. During the ensuing four years he practised in New York, and since Dec., 1858, has been established in Montgomery. He is a member of the Am. med. asso., elected vice-president in 1875; of the Ala. State med. asso., orator in 1875, counsellor since 1876, and censor since 1877 ; and of the med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery. Of his professional publications may be mentioned : " Embolism of the Heart and Pulmonary Arteries," and " Cell Life the Source of all Power, both Mental and Physical," both published in pamphlet.
Page 54, “The Physicians and Surgeons of the United States,” edited by William B. Atkinson, M.D., published Charles Robson, Philadelphia 1878.
[Son of Frederick SGS # 2057 – Samuel Dibble; Frederick (#2057); Nathan; Seth; Nathan; James; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]