Thomas Seelye

Rev. Thomas Seelye was born in Oneida county, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1822. His parents Cornelius and Rachel (Smith) Seelye, were natives of New York, and removed to Ohio in 1823, remaining there for 30 years. Mr. Seelye then came to Michigan, where he has since resided. He received his education in the Norwalk Seminary, under President Thompson, afterward Bishop Thompson; of the M. E. Church. Mr. Seelye spent his early life in Ohio, on his father's farm, and at the age of 15 was converted to the cause of Jesus Christ. He was licensed to preach the gospel at the early age of 20 years. He was married in 1848 to Naomi D. Sutherland, born in New York, Dec. 14, 1822, and daughter of Colonel Sutherland, a wealthy farmer and very successful business man. Mrs. Seelye became connected with the M. E. Church at 11 years of age, and since that time has taken an active part in Sabbath-school work, having officiated as teacher and Superintendent for numerous years. She has always taken an active interest in temperance work, and is an earnest worker in the Foreign Missionary Society. Five children have been born to this marriage, Susanna A., born Nov. 10,1850; Osman C., born Sept. 21,1854; McKendree T., born Nov. 10, 1858; Carrie N., Aug. 14, 1860; Jennie M., born Nov. 13, 1863. The eldest son Osman C., graduated from the University of Michigan, and McKendree is a student in that institution. Susan A. is the wife of Dr. J. W. Kendrick, a leading practitioner of Plymouth, Wayne county, Ind. Rev. Mr. Seelye has officiated as minister of the gospel for over 38 years, and never "gets weary while well doing." He possesses great revival power, and as many as 300 persons have been brought into the fold of Christ, at one protracted meeting held under his ministration. He is well read in all theological matters, and usually speaks extemporaneously.

Page 1089, “History of Washtenaw County, Michigan : together with sketches of its cities, villages and townships...and biographies of representative citizens : history of Michigan,” published by Chas. C. Chapman & Co., Chicago, 1881.

[Son of Cornelius SGS # 3439 –Daniel, David, Charles, Samuel, Jonas, Obadiah]