William James Seelye

Alumni 1879

WILLIAM JAMES SEEI.YE, M. A., [Amherst], son of Julius Hawley and Elizabeth T. (James) Seelye, D. D., LL. D., '49, was born in Schenectady, Nr. Y., April 10, 1857; fitted for college with Rev. Jesse F. Forbes and at Williston Seminary, Easthampton. Student, Johns Hopkins Univ., '80 — '81 ; Univ. of Edinburgh, '81— '82; Univ. of Halle and Leipzig, '82 — '83 ; 1'rof., Gr. and Ger., Iowa Coll., Grinnell, la., '83 — '85; Instr., Lawrenceville School, Lawrenceville, N. Y., '85 — '86 ; Student, Amer. School at Athens, Greece, '86— '87 ; Instr., Amherst Coll., '87 — '89; Prof, of Gr., Parsons Coll., Fairfield, la., '89- -'91 ; Prof., Gr., Univ. of Wooster, Wooster O., '91— . M. A., Amherst, 1882, Author of tract on "Greek Conditional Sentences," " A New Greek Method." Married, Sept. 1, 1886, Mary A., dau. of the late Charles F. Clarke of Iowa City, Ia. Three children.

Pages 143 – 144, “Biographical Record of the Alumni and Non-Graduates of Amherst College, Volume II (Classes of ’72 – ’96)” Compiled and Edited by W.L. Montague, M.A., Ph.D., Class of ’55, Carpenter & Morehouse, Printers, Amherst, Mass., 1901.

[Grandson of Seth Seelye SGS # 2056 – William James; Julius Hawley; Seth (#2056); Nathan; Seth; Nathan; James; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]