Getting organized and knowing the proper way to address government agencies and organizations can help you get quicker, more effective results. Family Tree Magazine has created forms that can help you access and organize your family history information. All our research forms are available in two formats: text and portable document format (PDF). The text versions give you the basic form structure in files you can open in your word-processing software. You can print, edit or even type your information right in the file. The PDF versions are read-only files with snazzier designs—they're suitable for displaying or sharing your research with others.

To download a form: Click the Text or PDF button next to the file name. Depending on your browser, the form will either open immediately or instruct you to save the file to your hard drive. If you open the text forms directly, you can save them to your hard drive by pulling down your File menu and selecting Save As. You can also print the forms by pulling down your File menu and selecting Print. The files are compatible with Microsoft Word for Windows versions 97 and 2000 and WordPerfect. They vary in size from 20-120K and will download in approximately one minute (with 28.8 bps modem). You'll need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print the PDF forms. If you don't already have this software, you can download it at Adobe Acrobat Reader

General Research Forms
Form DescriptionDownload
Five-Generation Ancestor Chart
A standard five-generation pedigree chart.
Research Calendar
A classic research organizer. Use a research calendar to keep track of the materials you've searched.
Note-Taking Form
Designed for filing your notes by surname and record type ("ROBINSON: Census Records").
Note-Taking Form
Designed for filing your notes by couple or family group ("John and Mary Jones").
Deed Index—Grantees
Transcribe basic information from town or county deed indexes.
Deed Index—Grantors
Transcribe basic information from town or county deed indexes.
Research Repository Checklist
Record details about an archive or library you plan to visit—a great tool to help plan research trips.
Research Journal
List sources you've checked or plan to check.
Research Worksheet
Ideal for research on long-lost relatives or 20th-century ancestors.
Table of Contents
List the documents in a file folder so you can find them quickly.
Statewide Marriage Index
Identify brides and grooms in a centralized statewide marriage index.
People or Families
Form DescriptionDownload
Biographical Outline
Record events in an ancestor's life: information on education, military service, marriage(s), children, etc.
Correspondence Log
Keep track of general research requests.
Family Correspondence Log
Organize research requests from family members.
Family Group Sheet
This essential form lets you compile information about a nuclear family.
Time Capsules
Create your own time capsule from these sample questions.
Military Records Checklist
Track your search for ancestors' military service files. This checklist will also help you decide which records to look for.
Form DescriptionDownload
Census Checklist
Note which US census records you've researched for each ancestor.
1790 Census
1800 and 1810 Census
1820 Census
1830 Census
1840 Census
1850 Census
Includes slave schedule.
1860 Census
Includes slave schedule.
1870 Census
1880 Census
1900 Census
1910 Census
1920 Census
NEW! 1930 Census
Tombstones or Artifacts
Form DescriptionDownload
Artifacts and Heirlooms
Record who possesses family artifacts and heirlooms.
Cemetery Transcription Form
Log the locations, inscriptions and descriptions of family tombstones.
Books or Articles 
Form DescriptionDownload
Article Reading List
Catalog genealogy articles you want to read or refer to later.
Research Checklist of Books
List books you want to check for your ancestors.
Book Wish List
Make a checklist of genealogy books you'd like to buy or borrow.