Minnie Kavanaugh Gifford

Claimed By Death

Mrs. Minnie Kavanaugh Gifford, 73, passed away at her home on Rosenkrans St. Sunday evening June 30, following a short illness. She was born in Fremont, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mal Seeley, and has resided In this place for 60 years. She is survived by her husband, C. Ray Gifford, three step-daughters. Mrs. Gordon Cooley of Wayland. Mrs. Chris Kohaken of Bath, Mrs. Romaine Phillips of Plainfield, N. J.; one sister, Mrs. Mary Godfrey of Breesport, and one nephew. Harry Godfrey of Breesport. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Sheppard-VanPatton Funeral Home on Maple Ave. Rev. Harold Spencer officiated with burial at Maple View Cemetery.

Published in The Steuben Courier (Bath, NY) Friday, July 5, 1946 page 3

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