Green Thirza F. was born in LaGrange County Nov. 29, 1857, the daughter of Lewis and Fidelia Seely, and died at her home in Albion at 10 p.m. March 26, 1926, aged 68 years, 3 months and 27 days. She married Arthur Green on Nov. 29, 1882. They had one child, Mabel, who is the wife of Darl Steller, now living in Kendallville. She leaves the husband; daughter; 2 grandsons, Frederick and Winton Steller; one sister, Mrs. Lou Hayes; and one brother, Charles, both living on farms north and east of Albion. Funeral at the home on Monday. Burial, Osborn Cemetery.
Published in unknown Albion newspaper
[Granddaughter of SGS # 3453 - Thirza F.; Lewis; Ephraim H. (#3453); David (# 1557); David; Charles; Samuel; Jonas; Obadiah]