Pioneer Resident Expires at Her Home on Jackson Street
Mrs. Emmaretta Seely Stillman, wife of William F. Stillman of this city, passed away at three o’clock Sunday morning at her home, 298 Jackson street, at the age of sixty-one years. She had been ill for about three years with kidney trouble, and during the last week had been struggling against a complication of diseases.
Mrs. Stillman was born in Steuben county, N.Y., and came with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Seely, to Oshkosh, in 1855, January 1, 1868, she was married to William F. Stillman, who survives her. There are also the father, a sister, Mrs. S.M. Goss of Montesano, Wash., one son, William T. Stillman, and a daughter, Miss Gladys Stillman, both of whom are of this city.
For about forty years Mrs. Stillman had been a prominent worker in Trinity Episcopal parish, having been a member of the church for that period. She was a woman of much force of character, and was greatly beloved in a large circle of friends.
The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon. Rev. Franklin R. Haff, rector-associate of Trinity church, will conduct a private service at the late residence at two o’clock. At 2:30 o’clock a further service will be held at the church. Rev. John W. Greenwood, the rector, officiating. There will be music by the vested chorus in charge of W.H. Smith. Interment will take place at Riverside cemetery.
Published in the Oshkosh Daily Northwester, (Oshkosh, WI) April 2, 1906 page 3
[Daughter of SGS # 2564 – Emmaretta; Eli Todd (# 2564); Eleazer (# 924); Ebenezer, Justus; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]