Almena Seeley Vredenburgh died August 30, 1889 at the home of her son, William Vredenburgh, in Soldier Valley, Iowa, and was buried September first. Funeral service was held at the house, Elder Putney officiating. Sister Vredenburgh was born February 3, 1808 in Queensbury, Washington, New York, and was married to Henry Vredenburgh in 1825. She was mother of eleven children, seven girls and four boys; the eldest and two youngest have passed away; two have their homes in Illinois, three in Iowa, one in Nebraska, one in Colorado and one in Oregon. Mrs. Vredenburgh moved with her family from New York to Illinois in 1843, and from Illinois into Iowa in 1862, and has since been a resident of Little Sioux, Iowa until her death. She joined the LDS in 1835, and the Reorganization of the same in 1861. She was first baptized by Hyrum Station, and second by Zenos Gurley, Sen. Sr. Vredenburg was known as a quiet, worthy and religious member of society. She had been a widow some twenty years. She died strong in the faith.
The Saints' Herald is the official newsletter of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
[SGS # 2506 – Almena (#2506); Benjamin (#916); David; Justus; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]