1868-9 Gazetteer&Business Dir. of Onondaga Co. NY

Source: Gazetteer and Business Directory of Onondaga County, N.Y. for 1868 – 9, Compiled and Published by Hamilton Child, Syracuse, Printed at the Journal Office 1868

Page 71
In the summer of 1796, John Cantine, assisted by Gideon Seely, under the direction of the Surveyor General, surveyed the Onondaga Reservation, and in the fall of that year, Gideon Seely and Comfort Tyler bid off, at the sales in Albany, twenty-one lots of two hundred and fifty acres each, at two dollars per acre. Mr. Seely made the road from Samuel A. Beebe’s to the south line of the town, including a bridge across the west branch of Onondaga Creek.

Page 197 – De Witt
Seely, George B., Syracuse,) lot 49, fruit grower and nurseryman

Page 279 – Marcellus
Seeley, George T., (Marcellus), lot 14, farmer 76 ½

Page 294 Onondaga
SEELY, JAMES O., (Onondaga,) lot 140, farmer 57
SEELY, J. OWEN (South Onondaga,) lot 220, farmer 1 ½
Seeley, Thaddeus (South Onondaga,) lot 220, farmer 1 ½

Page 311 Pompey
Seeley, James O (Delphi,) lot 54, tobacco raiser, dairyman and farmer leases 42

Page 328 Skaneateles
Seeley, Anson G., (Marcellus), lot 22, farmer 69

Page 333 Spafford
Seeley, Hiram (Spafford) lot 12, farmer 115
Seeley, Marcus (Spafford,) lot 12, farmer 60


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