1874 Gazetteer and Business Directory of Crawford County, PA

Source: 1874 Gazetteer and Business Directory of Crawford County, PA, compiled and published by Hamilton Child, Syracuse, N.Y.

Explanation to Directory –

Directory is arranged as follows: 1 of individual of firm. 2. Post office address in parenthesis. 3. The road on which the party is located, except residents of cirties and boroughs. 4. Business or occupation

Figures places after the occupation of farmers indicate the number of acres of land owned or leased by the parties.

Names set in CAPITALS indicate subscribers to this work

The letter r, following the P.O. address, signifies road, and the figures following it refer to the number of the road as designated on the map in the fore part of the book.

Hood, G.W. (Geneva) r 35 farmer leases of James Seely

Page 241 SPRING
SEELYE, M.A. (Rundells) r 41, carriage and sleigh maker and owns timber lot
Seelye, W.D., heirs of, (Spring) r 25, farmer 55

Page 257 TROY
Seely, Hiram (Troy Center) r 8, farmer 50
Seely, Wm. A. (Troy Center) r 7, farmer 90
Seely, Zadoc, (Plum, Venango Co.) r 30, farmer 5

Page 268 WAYNE
Seely, Joel (Deckard) r 41, mason and farmer 1
Seely, Peter (Deckard) r 42, farmer leases of Geo. Petitt 47

Page 306 City of Titusville
Seely, F.L., lawyer, 12, second floor, Robert Block

Page 322 Carriage Manufs
SEELYE M.A., Rundells

Page 336 – Lawyers
Seely, F.L., 12 Roberts Block, 2d floor

Page 339 Masons and Builders
Seely, Joel, Deckard