Source: Dau’s Detroit Society Blue Book and Ladies’ Address Book, Published Annually Edition for 1903, Dau Publishing Company
Page 28 – Avery Avenue
233 Mr. and Mrs. Osman C. Seelye
Mr. Warren O. Seelye
Mrs., nee Bentley
Page 46 – Cass Avenue
651 Mr. and Mrs. Willard N. Worcester
Mrs., nee Seely (53)(Home Study Club)
Mr., (35) Detroit High School Aumni Association)
Page 59 – Eliot Street
46 Mr and Mrs. Arthur C. Leonard
Mrs., nee Hovey
Mr., Vice President Seely Manufacturing Co.
Page 116 Merrich Avenue
292 Mr. and Mrs. Luke E. Parsons
Receives Wednesday
Mrs. nee Seely
Page 130 – Second Avenue
570 Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Seely Jr.
Mrs. nee Harkness (85 – 86) Tuesday Musicales, Twentieth Century Club
Page 148 – Warren Avenue, East
309 Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Glass
Mrs., nee Seely.
309 Mrs. Mary N.A. Seely, nee Allen
Page 220
Seely, Mrs. Mary N.A. 309 Warren Ave, E., (W)
Seely, W.G., Jr., 570 Second Ave, (M)
Seelye, O.C., 233 Avery Ave. (M)