Source: Polk’s Ann Arbor City Directory 1915
Page 37
W S Perry School
Teacher: Jennie M. Seelye
Page 380
Seeley, Dana E (Bess M), sec and treas Superior Mfg Co, res 726 Thayer S.
Seeley, Edith G, bds 809 Hill
Seeley, Ethel M, music tchr 809 Hill, bds same
Seeley, Frances L, music tchr, 809 Hill, bds same
Seeley, Halstead H (Laurel H), pres Superior Mfg Co, res 1038 Baldwin av
Seeley, Orel F, Christian science practitioner 809 Hill, res same
Seeley, Roy R (Cora), vice-pres Superior Mfg Co, res 939 Greenwood av
Seeley, Ward F (Marion), instr U of M, res 916 Catherine
Seeley, Sm H (Sarah), teamster, res ns Dexter 3 w of limits
Seely, Cecil J, student, bds 324 4th av S
Seely, Gladys V, student, bds 324 4th av S
Seely, Harriet A, student, bds 324 4th av S
Seely, Howard (Lulu B), com trav, res 324 4th av S
Seely, Howard F, student, bds 324 4th av S
Seelye, Agnes F, tchr, bds 637 Thayer S
Seelye, Arthur B, student, bds 637 Thayer S
Seelye, Elizabeth C (wid Wilbur H), res 637 Thayer S.
Seelye, Jennie M, tchr Perry Schools, bds 821 Washington E.