1927 Waterbury, Naugatuck, and Watertown Directory, Connecticut

Source: The Price & Lee Co.’s Waterbury, Naugatuck, and Watertown Directory 1927

Page 27 – Naugatuck
Seeley Eldridge E (Bertha B) prop Bridgeport h 66 Riverside drive

Page 493 – Waterbury
Abbie W wid Chauncey died Mar 20 1927 age 56
Bertha wid Ernest D h 327 E Main
Clarence W emp ABCo r 327 E Main
Edward emp AmPCo r 53 Manville
Henry S (Laura B) v pres-treas Waterbury Trust Co 132 Grand h 145 Buckingham
Sheldon W (Elizabeth) emp ABCo h 65 White Oak Lane
Theodore R (Twyla S) emp Independent Ice Co r 31 Homer
Wilbur C (Edith M) carp h 45 Pomham
Wilbur R (Catherina) plater r 2087 S Main