1930 Toledo Directory

Source: Toledo Directory Co., Publishers, page 999, Toledo, Ohio Directory

Carl (Luella; Perfection Dry Clnrs) r Olin dr
Donald E student r427 Utah
Edwin B (Hattie) inspr Surface Combustion Co Inc h1827 Joffre av
Frank E (Lucia) mgr Rex Research Corp h1447 Potomac dr
Franklin N dentist 519 Main h do
Fredk K Student r129 21st
Grace Mrs clk r1811 Monroe
Harry B (Minnie) r1801 Monroe apt 7
John D student r129 21st
Kath h129 21st
Margt waitress r1811 Monroe
Marie Mrs sten Fredk C Dunn r427 Utah
Martha M artist r129 21st
MORTON C (Rachel K; Seeley, Wolfe & Rogers), Lawyer Suite 622 Nicholas Bldg, Tels Main 4180-4189, h2050 Collingwood av, Tel Main 9869
Orville (Rhea) driver h rear 3011 Front
Victor B (Hildred) mach h1923 Cone
SEELEY, WOLFE & ROGERS (Morton C Seeley; Cletus V Wolfe, Roland H Rogers), Attorney and Counsellors-at-Law Suite 622 Nicholas Bldg. Tels Main 4180-4189 (See card in classified Legal Blue Book)

Emma J (wid Frank; Seely’s Restaurant) h1547 1/2 Indiana av
Frank N (Seely’s Restaurant) r1547 ˝ Indiana av
John G organist and choirmstr Trinity Episcopal Church r713 Superior
Seely’s Restaurant (F N Seely E J Seely) restr 1022