1946 Manhattan Telephone, New York

1946 Manhattan Telephone Directory, Published by the New York Telephone Company

Page 1107

A Hudson MD 40 StNichPl EDgecomb 4-0475
Abbey D MD ofc 155E62 REgnt 4-8870
Alice R Mrs 145W58 CO lumbus 5-1233
Betty 320E53 PL aza 3-9697
Bromley patent lwyr 120 Bway CO rtland 7-2390
Residence 30 SutnPl PL aza 9-6516
Clara Mrs. 315W98 UN iversity 4-0139
Clarence E ins 111John BE ejmn 3-4400
Clayton b 63Wall WH itehl 4-0358
Clifford 33W128 LE high 4-1934
Seeley & Co Inc extrcts 136 Lbrty RE ctr 2-1139
De B K b 61Bway BO wlGrn 9-4900
E A Co fabrcs 515 MadAv PL aza 3-1887
Edw 550W170 WA shHts 7-4936
G Barker Jr ins 41E42 MU rryhill 2-8710
Helen 533W112 CA thedrl 8-1463 Seeley&Lindley brkrs 61 Bway BO wlGrn 9-4900
May 17E128 LE high 4-586
Richd 708W177 WA dswth 8-2191
Robt C MD ofc 133E58 PL aza 3-3853
Residence 170E77 RE gent 4-0226
Robt W Mrs. 128CentPkS CI rcle 6-2458
Wirt D 159E62 RE gnt 4-2607
Seeley’s G B Sons Inc carbonated bevrgs 635W54 CO lums 5-3600

Seely&Ash lksmths 252W81 SU sghana 7-4438
Fredc T 142LaurlHiTer WA dswth 8-0761
J Frank&Son fndry 420Lex Av MUryhil 5-3055
Roy A 969 PkAv RE gent 4-8526
S G bootmkr 18E49 WI ckrshm 2-9878
Seely Should Pad Corp 263W40 LO ngacy 5-0070

Eliz W 30 5Av GR amrcy 7-3217
F;wum E*Cp emgrs 101 PkAv AS hind 4-5135
Seelye-Fish welding engrs 101 PkAv AS hind 4-5135
Mildred Lee Mrs. 324E50 PL aza 8-0095
Seelye-Tuttle consitg engs 101 PkAv AS hind 4-5135