Douglas Stuart Seelye

Publication Date: Spring 1977 Seeley Genealogical Society Newsletter - Issue # 24

Douglas Stuart Seelye, formerly of Brewster Road, Glastonbury, Conn., died March 24, 1977 at New Britain General Hospital. Born May 10, 1896, Hartford, Conn., he lived in Glastonbury most of his life. He worked for the Terry Co. of Windsor Locks 44 years, retiring in 1963 as chief engineer. He attended the First Church of Christ, Congregational, Glastonbury, more than 60 years, where he was assistant treasurer, superintendent of the Sunday School, and a former Deacon.

He was a World War I veteran and a past commander of American Legion Post 56. He was president of the First Players Club of Glastonbury and was a member of the Society of Sons of the American Revolution and the Service Club of Glastonbury.

He leaves his wife, Mrs. Maida LeGeyt Seelye; two sons, Dr. John D. Seelye of Hillsborough, N.C., and Morgan Seelye, of East Berlin, Conn.; and four grandchildren. The funeral was held at Glastonbury Funeral Home. Burial was at Green Cemetery, Glastonbury, Conn.

In his later years, Douglas took great interest in the family history. He was a vital part of the Seeley Gen. Soc. and as Assistant Genealogist, performed many services. He helped keep the mailing list in order for years. His research on coat-of-arms was exceptional. He composed the form letter. His last effort was the reprint of the Willard Morse manuscript.
Above all, he was a dear friend.