Mary Lou Watson

Publication Date: February 1989 Seeley Genealogical Society Newsletter - Issue #587

Mary Lou Watson, a resident of Panama City, Florida, formerly from Roanoke, VA. Departed August 9th, 1988. She was retired from the Bay County Public Library, after 25 years of service. She was a member of DAR, the FLA. Anthropology society, The Seeley Genealogical Society, the FLA. Paelontological Society, and the Grace Presbyterian Church.

She is survived by her husband Thomas C. Watson of Woodland, a son Gordon R. Watts, of Richmond, California; two daughters, Mrs. Larry (Gayle) Miller of Concord, Calif., and Mrs. Dan R. (Sherry) Goodrich of NATO Hdgtrs., Belgium; four grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. Dot Frei and Mrs. Larry Pence, both of Roanoke, VA.

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