Vurlea E. Mitchell
Publication Date: May 1986 Seeley Genealogical Society Newsletter - Issue #47
Vurlea E. Mitchell, of 1405 S. Ninth, Duncan, OK died 23 March 1986 age 86.
She was born 4 December 1899 to Warren Austin Seely Jr. and Grace Alma Smith Seely in Addington, which was in the Chickasaw Nation of Indian Territory. She married Lee S. Mitchell. He preceded her in death 3 July 19, 1972 (date as published) Duncan, OK. Mrs. Mitchell left two sons, eight daughters, two sisters, 24 grandchildren, 38 great grandchildren and five gr-gr-grandchildren which a penciled-in note by Fran says are all hers.
Submitted by Frances H. Pickard, Moore, OK
Frances, one of SGS's more active members has published a Newsletter (Seeley Cousins) for years. When she sent the above she said there was so much more that she would like to say IF it was put in the SGS Newsletter.
She refers to Vurlea E. as her "little mother" apparently because she was less than 4' 9" tall and weighed less than 110 lbs. She and her husband had six children and were foster parents to many others. Their home was a shelter for unwanted children, abused children, and the most loved of all were those with birth defects and those who suffered from crippling diseases. Fran said that as the eldest living child, she once felt that there was not enough love to go around but one day her mother took her hand and told her she was aware of the way some of the children felt, and how that as the eldest she had had the love of her mother longer than all of the rest … and she still had enough love left to go around twice as many times more. The children of the family who are adopted are as proud of the research Fran is doing as she is, and brag about "Our Ancestors" to anyone who will listen.