TISHOMINGO -- Services for Melvin Sealy Jr., 51, Ardmore, will be 2 p.m. Monday at Corbin Funeral Home Memorial Chapel with the Revs. Charlie Carter, Jeff Frazier and Osborne Roberts officiating. Interment will follow at Sealy Cemetery, Connerville.
Born Dec. 8, 1946, at Connerville to Milton James and Lillian Levi Sealy, he died April 9, 1998, at Oklahoma City. He was preceded in death by his father; one sister, Juanita Thomas; and two grandchildren.
Sealy attended Pontotoc schools, He was a laborer, who had lived in Ardmore for the past 15 years. Sealy was a member of Northeast Baptist Church.
Survivors include his wife, Leiza Jane, of the home; one son, Marvin Lee Sealy, Granite; one daughter, Carla Jean Thomas, Ardmore; his mother, Mill Creek; one brother, Edison Sealy, Ada; four sisters, Nadine Lewis, Ardmore, Suzanna Russell, Anadarko, Shirley A. McElroy, Ada, and Kay Meeley, Mill Creek; and four grandchildren.
Bearers are nephews Jimmy Lewis, Kenneth Lewis Jr., David Eugene Lewis, James McElroy Jr., Billie Lee and Robert Lee. Honorary bearers are Charles Ledford and Aaron Thomas.
Published in The Daily Ardmoreite