70 Year Lee Resident Dies after 3-Day Illness
Herbert Jacob Cilley, 70, died at his home in Lee this morning after a three-day illness. He was born in Newmarket in 1871, and had been a resident of Lee for the past 40 years, coming there from Nottingham.
He leaves his widow, Emma Ryan Cilley and two sons, Herbert P. of Merricmack, N.Y., and Norman of Newmarket. Funeral arrangements are being made.
Published in the Portsmouth Herald, February 3, 1942 page 5

Conduct Last Rites for 70-Year-Old Man
Funeral services for Herbert J. Cilley, resident of Lee for 40 years, were held Thursday from Brown and Trottier Funeral home in Newmarket. Mr. Cilley was 70 years old last October and was born in Nottingham. Besides his wife Emma Ryan Cilley, he leaves two sons, Herbert of Merrimack, N.Y., and Norman of Newmarket.
Published in the Portsmouth Herald, February 7, 1942 page 2