SEELY-BROWN, Rosalie Hicks (Slack)
Rosalie Hicks (Slack) Seely-Brown, 89, formerly from Pomfret Center, CT., she was the widow of Horace Seely-Brown, Jr., former United States Congressman, who served the 2nd Congressional District from Connecticut in Washington for sixteen years. Passed away Tuesday (April 6, 1999) in Delray Beach, Fl., where she had wintered for thirty years and resided for the past five years. She was the daughter of Rosalie Coe (Campbell) and Henry Slack, grew up in New York City, and attended ChapinSchool in New York and St. Timothy's School in Maryland. Member of The National Society of Colonial Dames, and former member of the Junior Leagues of New York and Providence. She is survived by her daughters, Rosalie Parker (Garth), Coral Gables,Fl., Constance Cliffe (Fred), Old Lyme, and her son, Horace Seely- Brown, III, (Hood), Deerfield, IL.; nine grandchildren, and six great grandchildren. Memorial Services will be held on Saturday, April 10, at 1 p.m. at Christ Church Episcopal, Pomfret,Connecticut. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to the Horace Seely-Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund of Pomfret School, Pomfret, Connecticut 06256, the Day Kimball Hospital in Putnam, Connecticut 06260 or Christ Church Episcopal, Pomfret, Connecticut 06258.
Published in The Hartford Courant, (CT) - April 7, 1999