While In Enjoyment of Apparent Good Health, he is Stricken and Died in a Day.
Had Been Working as Usual. – Attack Came Suddenly Sunday Morning. Death Came Same Night.
C.A. Seeley died very suddenly Sunday night at his home at 1117 Bell street in east Webster City. He was stricken early Sunday morning through he seemed to revive during the day but was taken with a bad spell late at night and within a period of a very few minutes sank rapidly to the end. His disease was a complication of troubles involving the vital organs and at the last he suddenly chocked up and despite all medical aid could not be relieved. Both his father and mother and one brother have been called in a similar very sudden manner.
Mr. Seeley was a man well known in the city. He was a member of Webster City lodge of Odd Fellows, a Yeoman and a member of the Methodist church.
Last fall and during the early part of the winter he had often remarked to friends that he had never enjoyed a larger measure of good health. He was a carpenter by trade and had worked steadily at this class of work whenever there was work to be done. During the time of the erection of the A.J. Brewer building he had been employed there and since the completion of the brick work had been doing a large part of the finishing. He worked there on Saturday as usual and went home at the close of the day’s work in apparently good health. He performed his usual chores about the house, ate a hearty supper and went to bed at the usual hour.
About 4 o’clock Sunday morning he was taken with severe pains about his heart and nothing could be done to ease him. Two physicians were called and remained at the bedside practically from the time they arrived until death came. Neither the tender and loving care of a sorrowing wife, daughter and son, nor the professional aid of the physicians could avail to stop the march of the grim reaper. His demise came at 11:50 o’clock Sunday night.
Deceased leaves a wife, two daughters, a brother and a sister to mourn their loss. The son is H.L. of this city and the daughters, Mrs. Carrie Tripp of Middletown, Michigan, and Miss Lena, who made her home with her parents. Eugene, the surviving brother, resides near Alden, and the sister, Mrs. Mary Kellogg, resides at Pocahontas.
Mr. Seeley was born June 25, 1858, in New York state and was therefore in his 53rd year. The family had resided in this city during the past thirteen years, having come here from Alden. Since coming to this city the family had gained a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Mr. Seeley was known to all as a man of quiet disposition, steady in his work, honest and honorable in his dealings and steadfast and true in his friendships. In the lodges of which he was a member and in the Methodist church he always took a more or less prominent part. He was a regular attendant and was always conversant with the benevolent and other work of both the lodges and the church where he belonged. His sudden and unexpected demise creates widespread sorrow in the city and to the stricken relatives a deep feeling of sympathy is freely extended.
The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock from the home conducted by the Rev. E.E. Robbins of Charter Oak, a close friend of the family.
Published in the Webster City Tribune, January 19, 1906 page 9

The Seeley Funeral
The C.A. Seeley funeral Wednesday was attended by a large number of friends in this city as well as from abroad. Those present from out of town were:
Fred Hall, Sero, North Dakota, brother of Mrs. Seeley
Ben Hall, Tyson, North Dakota, brother of Mrs. Seeley
Mrs. A.G. Kellogg, Pocahontas, sister of Mr. Seeley
Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Seeley, Iowa Falls, brother and sister-in-law of Mr. Seeley
Mrs. Lew Williams, Ellsworth
Mrs. Geo. Rawson, Fort Dodge
Mrs. W.H. Seeley, Iowa Falls
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, Alden
Mrs. Chas. Staley, Alden
Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Smith, Wilke
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cole, Williams
Published in the Webster City Tribune, Friday January 19, 1906 front page