Cleve Seeley

Cleve Seeley Dies in Camp

Cleve Seeley, who enlisted from Eldora, died last week in a hospital at Hoboken, New Jersey. The cause of death was pneumonia. He had been stationed at Syracuse, New York, since enlisting in August, but had recently been moved to Hoboken and expected soon to be sent overseas. The body was brought back to Iowa Falls Sunday for burial. Services were held in the Methodist Church and were in charge of Rev. C.W. Bast. Burial was made in Union cemetery.

The deceased was born in Buckeye Township, February 11, 1897 and attended school in this county and at Buffalo Center. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Seeley, are both dead. They lived in Iowa Falls for a time and passed away while living here. A.W. Mitterer is an uncle of the boy and Mrs. J.M. Cooper an aunt. He is also survived by two sisters and a brother. The brother is serving in the army in France. The sisters live in Buffalo Center. They are Mrs. Charles Staley and Mrs. Arthur Harkness.

The undersigned take this means of thanking the old soldiers and the soldier boys and citizens for their floral offerings and kindnesses given on account of the death of Cleve Seeley.
Mrs. Chas. Staley
Mrs. Arthur Harkness
And Relatives

Transcription of obituary donated to SGS – believe the article may have appeared in the Iowa Falls Tribune, date unknown.

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