Miss Climena Seeley Dies
Miss Climena Seeley, daughter of Mrs. Mary C. Seeley, died Friday afternoon of last week in the home of her sister, Mrs. Arthur Davis of No. 1817 Joplin Street, from tuberculosis. Miss Seeley resigned her school here two years ago on account of having lung trouble and went to Colorado in the hopes of being benefitted.
For a time her health seemed improved and she taught school there until about six months ago when her health would no longer permit her to do so. She gradually declined in health until a few weeks ago when she went to Kansas City and about the middle of May she came to Galena.
Miss Seeley has a wide circle of friends in Cherokee County having been a teacher here for a number of years. The family resided in Columbus several years where Miss Climena was a graduate from the city high school. After moving to Galena she accepted a position in the city schools of this place, becoming one of the most popular teachers in the work.
Miss Climena was 31 years of age, she is survived by her mother, Mrs. Mary Seeley and sister, Mrs. Arthur Davis both of this city.
Funeral services were conducted at the residence Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock by Rev. J. M. Mason after which the body was taken to Columbus where short services were conducted at the grace by Rev. J. Russell Jones, of the first Presbyterian church, interment being made in the Columbus cemetery where the father, Mr. John Seeley lies buries.
Published in the Galena Weekly Republican (Galena, Kansas), Friday June 25, 1909